Monday, July 20, 2009


Wanted to write this down to remember it.

My friend Jeremy used to call his car Shon. Later, when he sold me his car, we decided jokingly that we should change the name to Shine. The next day, we were hiking in Yosemite and noticed that the Gatorade bottle we had said this:

Shine on. Shine Shon. hahahah :)


Lolly Pop said...

hi this is lolly pop you can call me lolly. I was just looking for a blog friend and I found your blog! I was hoping I would find someone that's not from 2000 and I hope we can be blog buddies!

Lolly Pop said...

and mt blogs are:

and one more but I forgot the address.

P.S: if you want ot write a message to me my email is

Lolly Pop said...

plus I like your blog