Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Painting the Future

Eager expectation brewing inside of me!

As we move into 2011, I feel excitement rising up in me. I remember being on a ski trip with Jeremy and Jerald in March 2010 where God started telling me how exciting the next ten years are going to be. He showed me how ten years ago, when I first got to know Him, I had no idea where I was going to be today. I could not have imagined it turning out this way. I have seen Him accomplish many things. They are beyond my wildest dreams!

God says that it is important to paint a picture of the future. We may not know exactly what is going to happen, but He wants us to hope and to dream. Without vision, the people perish.

I'm going to share nuggets as I get them. You will find links to them on the side bar.

1 comment:

jem said...


i keep getting that it is so impt.

He will give us exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think. amen.