Monday, January 19, 2009

Focus on the core

In swimming, the kicking, paddling, breathing matters. But what matters most is the body core. If the core is straight and streamline, a little kicking, paddling, breathing goes a long way.

In living, service and giftings matter. But what matters most is the heart. If the heart is right, a little serving and gifting goes a long way. We must focus on our hearts. Jesus came for my heart. He came to pursue it, capture it and heal it. Sometimes, we are too focused on trying to remove sin from our lives or to achieve our giftings or to minister to others. These are important to Him, and He is saying that He can only accomplish them by speaking to our hearts. In fact, our hearts (what we feel, who we are, how we know Him) are more important to Him than all these things.

In helping others, we don't focus on healing their sicknesses or enabling their gifts. We learn to love, and walk with their hearts in finding the right way. That's how Jesus walks with us. Along this way, God may ask us to enable their gifts or to heal their sicknesses. 

In prophecy, rather than knowing what is in the minds of people, it is better to understand what is in their hearts. The mind is often unconscious of what is in the heart. In their hearts, we see the image of God in them, we see their passions and we see their destinies. If God gives us the key into their hearts, He will also give us the key to unlock their destinies.

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