Monday, January 26, 2009

"Trust Me"

Here's another old entry that is really encouraging right now:

For the last few months, ever since my bike trip, I have been getting vivid flashbacks of my childhood and teenage days. Many hidden memories are coming slowly back to me. I have also been experiencing many emotions which I have never felt before. Sometimes, while in worship, I see myself sparking, like a florescent tube that has just been switched on. Many colors are flowing in and out. I think the colors represent these new emotions and the revival of old memories. 

I think God is trying to heal me of my past and to show me who I am. A few days ago, something broke inside of me. I could feel a lot of pain coming out, but I have no idea where the pain is coming from. I am starting to feel afraid, not wanting the healing any longer. Part of me wants to bury the past and to go back to where I was before. But part of me knows wants to move on, because this is the only way I can be true to myself and true to Him. I can walk bravely forward, because He is with me. I am not afraid to fall, because He will pick me up. He calls out firmly and assuredly, "Trust Me." He knows what He is doing. I will overcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps i am going through a similar phase, thanks for the encouragement!