Here is a response I gave to my friend blog on God speaking to us:
This is a really interesting topic! I like your entry on "Does God only speak to Christians?" I believe that He speaks to everyone, though being a Bible-believing Christian helps because the Bible tells us that God speaks to us.
I like to use the analogy of a phone call. Have you ever noticed that when your friend calls on the phone (let us assume you do not have Caller-ID), you will recognize his voice even if he does not tell you who he is? Being able to recognize someone's voice comes with a relationship. Having a relationship with God -- praying to Him, telling Him our problems, listening to Him respond to our problems, trusting Him in our difficult times -- all these help us to hear His voice better day by day.
Just as your friend can write emails, or send pictures, or talk to you over the phone, or meet you face to face, I believe God can speak to us through all these avenues too! Through emails (His Bible), through pictures (dreams and visions), through phone conversations (His voice in our head, or audible voice), or face to face (Moses' encounter with the Lord, seeing only His back). When I first began as a Christian, I was amazed how God spoke to me through pop music: the lyrics would answer the questions I had. Then, God started speaking to me through the words in the Bible. At that time, I thought I knew all about how God speaks to us. At that time, I found it funny that people like Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Moses heard God spoke to them, with a voice. I thought perhaps God doesn't do that anymore. Yet, I could not find any scripture to prove this.
After being Christian for three years, I started to question the voices I heard in my head: what if the voice is not my own, but God's? So I asked the voice, Are you God or just a figment of my imagination? Surprisingly, the voice spoke back and said that He is God. Still, I thought I was hallucinating. I wrestled over this issue for months, and the voice continued to teach me that He is God, not myself. He taught me to have conversations with Him. He asked me if I thought the wisdom that was in the voice is from myself, or from someone outside of myself. He also warned me that there are many times when the voice is indeed not Himself, but my own voice, or the voice of evil. He taught me that in order to discern His voice more, to separate His voice from other voices, I have to read the Bible more. The Bible is a record of His Confirmed Words: i.e. there is no doubt the Bible is His voice. When I read more of the Bible, I will learn what His voice sounds like.
One day, I gave in, and confessed that I could not ignore the voice any longer. I confessed that the voice is God's own voice. Since then, my new commitment to this caused exponential growth in my ability to hear His voice. I have seen some people claim that such a thing is heretic: it lessens the importance of the Bible as God's Word. I disagree. Since accepting His voice, I gained a deep hunger to read more of the Bible. God says that He desires to speak to us clearly and directly, through the Bible, through friends, through the church, through pictures, through songs, and even through our thoughts, the voice in our head. "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy." 1 Cor 14:1
The more love, for God and for His people, we have in our hearts, the clearer we hear His voice, and the more love we gain in the process as well. Learning to hear God's voice is a life-long process: now we can only hear in part, but when we see Him at the end of time, we will hear clearly (1 Cor 13:9). We must always bear in mind that because of our sinful nature, we often do not hear God 100% correctly. We should always test what we hear with scripture and with others (1 Cor 14:29).
Hearing God's voice is pure joy! Imagine what our Quiet Times will become with His voice guiding us! "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened."
Friday, December 09, 2005
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Very insightful thoughts... while I'm not religious myself, I do believe in a higher being out there. I get the feeling that most people are in a religion for the sake of it... few actually do bother to think as much as you do. Perhaps you can share some insights as to what God has said to you!
hey sw,
Great insight. I want to encourage you to continue feeding this hunger you have for God! Your insight is indeed God-led, for after reading it, I am uncontrollably drawn back to HIM! My serving as Worship Leader will need my being extremely sensitive to God's calling/voices, and your insight just adds an even more dynamic perspective to listening to GOD - something I struggle with week after week!
Let's continue to keep the faith and with daily renewed strength to do wonders for HIM through the spirit!
*Wish we could have had more of such conversations whilst in OCS*
x-TCO Charlie(38/99)
God does speak to us in an audible voice for this simple reason: because He wants to.
He can and does speak to whomever He pleases, when and why He chooses.
He actually gave me some incredibly cool things to pass on. I encourange anyone who wants to speak to Him to check this out. It is very real and very simple and very, very tangilbe.
Peace to you all.
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