Thursday, March 17, 2011

What if

What if God always causes good to come out of every situation, no matter whether you believe Him or not?

Perhaps this is what faith feels like.

What if God always finishes the good work which he begun in you, no matter whether you are trying hard or not?

Perhaps this is what faith feels like.

Faith is seeing that there are two parallel realities you can live in, and then realizing that only one is real.

That reality does not depend on how much we can do or believe. Its very existence is the force that causes us to believe. That reality tells us to let go of being defined by how much we can do. Unlearn. Life is not about learning more, but about unlearning the things that hinder us. Because God has already put in us everything we need for this journey, from the very beginning.

1 comment:

jasper said...

This is encouraging. See you soon!