Monday, August 01, 2011

It is finished.

I feel like I finally know what it means to be Christian.

It is so revolutionary. Everything He has taught me over the past ten years finally makes COMPLETE sense. The deepest mystery of God has already been revealed. All these years, I have been searching for higher and higher revelation, one which would unlock all of God and all of me. But the highest revelation has always been right before me. And it is so simple, truly confounding the wise.

Here it is: God loves us so much. He wants us to rest from striving and trying to be better. Life is not about climbing ladders. He took all that was bad inside of us, nailed us to the cross, killed us, and resurrected us as new creations. Jesus accomplished all of this for us, and all we are called to do is to believe that it has been done. And enjoy God!

This highest revelation is a person; it is Jesus. The Father gave this highest revelation to every single one of us when we first believed Him. As we watch Jesus, all of His revelations unfold before us.

This is why all of my thoughts are good. This is why all of my emotions are valid. This is why all of my passions and desires are pure. I have perfect communion with my Father. I can always taste and drink of His presence. Every time my life doesn't seem that way, the cross reminds me that my circumstances do not determine my inner realities. Rather, my inner reality is Heaven, and Heaven invades Earth like a powerful flood. This flood cannot be stopped!

Woo hooo!!

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