Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Final Quest

I am reading this awesome book by Rick Joyner called "The Final Quest". It is about the visions that God gave him with regards to the Last Days, and God's calling for us to stand firm in Jesus, seeking after Him with all that we have. At first, I was apprehensive about the truthfulness of his visions, but God showed me that even if I was very sure that the visions were from Him, I should still test everything it says with discernment.

As Rick Joyner himself mentions, just because there is a danger that prophecy can be misused, it does not mean that we should avoid or ignore it. It is a gift given by God for our encouragement, comfort, and edification (building up). Never, however, should prophecy be given the same certainty as the Sciptures. We should test everything we hear by coming before Jesus for wisdom.

I have not regretted reading it. It really challenges me to live up to the ideals that Jesus calls us to. It really challenges me to reconsider the realness of the spiritual realm over our physical world. It really challenges me to have a new sense of urgency.

"The Final Quest" is the first in a series of three books about Rick Joyner's visions, which includes "The Call", and "The Sword and The Torch". I thank Cynthia for first encouraging me to read his books, and Shih Yang for kindly lending them to me.

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